Posted December 2017.
Students from WMG Academy will be helping to recreate a piece of local history when they set to work on replacing a local landmark this month.
A group of students will be working on reinstating the ‘Bogey On A Stick’, a sculpture which stood in Chelmsley Wood from the 1980s until 2009.
The sculpture in Meriden Park, will be redesigned with the help of WMG Academy students following a £9,000 National Lottery grant awarded to Gro Organic, the organisation which led the campaign to reinstate a modern version.
The sculpture, which was known locally as the ‘Bogey on a Stick’ because of its unusual appearance, was actually a representation of a Saxon Warrior who lost his eye in battled in Chelmsley Wood and Smith’s Wood.
It was originally designed with the help of local children, but was removed eight years ago after the council declared it was rotting away.
Students will be working with Gro Organic to design, manu-facture and promote the new-look sculpture.
Mr Loxton, who is supervising WMG Academy’s participation, said: “This is potentially a huge opportunity for us to really put our name on the map in the local community.”