Online safety is extremely important and students at WMG Academy will follow a planned
programme of age relevant online safety work from Year 10 to Year 13. They will look at how
to be safe online in all subject lessons where ICT is used, as well as through form time
activities and special assemblies during every year. Topics include: cyber-bullying, online
predators and sexting.
We encourage teachers and pupils to use ICT as part of everyday teaching and learning, but
as the internet and new technologies are being developed and changed every day it is
important that staff, parents and pupils remain vigilant to possible threats and risks.
Safe Internet Access
- The evaluation of on-line materials is a part of every subject using the Internet.
- The school will work in partnership with Solihull MBC to ensure filtering systems are as effective as possible.
- If staff or pupils discover unsuitable sites, the URL, time and date must be reported to the school e-Safety Co-ordinator or ICT Support Staff.
- We are aware of the need to ensure that filtering policies take account of new
developments on the Internet and they are regularly updated by Solihull MBC Network Team and the Network Manager. - The Network Manager will ensure that regular checks are made to ensure that the filtering methods selected are appropriate, effective and reasonable
Not all parents will have access to the internet, and some may not feel confident
using it.
Please use the link to the NSPCC web-page below, that provides lots of helpful
advice with regards to keeping your child safe online:
How to report an issue.
You can contact the academy DSL’’s via reception. To report any issue relating to
Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) click HERE.
Remember if you need immediate help call 999